

Students on the Kiplin Hall program enjoy the l和scape that inspired some of the 最好的英语作家.


1939年4月13日- 2013年8月30日

The 1995 Nobel Prize winner in literature grew up as a country boy living in County 北爱尔兰的德里. 在他的成长过程中,他目睹了美国士兵的准备 1944年在当地战场上为登陆诺曼底而进行的演习. 因此, Heaney posed himself as a consciousness teetering between “history 和 ignorance” 在他的诗中.

In the mid-1960s, Heaney’s poems became popular as a result of his identification 爱尔兰文学的“北方学派. 他的诗特别关注他周围的环境 Northern Irel和—和 his profound observations of everyday existence. 尽管 significance of Heaney’s homel和 in his poetry, his work speaks universally to audiences 在世界各地.

In addition to his poetry, his essays 和 plays have been greeted with critical acclaim. In fact, his writing receives credit as initiating the re-examination of Thomas Hardy 在五六十年代.

他出版了他最新的诗集, 区及圈, in 2007.


Death of a Naturalist, Door into the Dark, Wintering Out, North, Field Work, Preoccupations, The Rattle Bag (编辑,泰德·休斯) The Haw Lantern, New Selected Poems 1966-1987, 书包 (编辑,泰德·休斯) Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996, Beowulf, a New Verse Translation, 区及圈

1818年7月30日- 1848年12月19日


艾米莉。勃朗特的出版吸引了一些人的目光 《九州娱乐官网》 in 1847. Critiqued violently for its overt sexual passion, the novel’s female authorship also stunned her nineteenth century audience who held rigid notions concerning gender.

Corresponding to such notions, 艾米莉。勃朗特 defied typical female behavior. 提高了 in Haworth, she w和ered the moors both day 和 night- a very unusual venture for 那个时代的女孩. 在她的漫游中,她爱上了这奇妙的风景 并将自然世界的激情渗透到她的作品中.

艾米丽异常害羞,在社会中挣扎. 和她一起去了布鲁塞尔 eldest sister, Charlotte, to study at the Pennsionnat Heger, she became homesick 和 渴望回到霍沃斯.

Shortly upon her return, she began writing her infamous novel as well as a series 这些诗后来出现在 柯勒,埃利斯和阿克顿·贝尔的诗, 勃朗特姐妹1846年共同创作的文学作品.

出版后不到一年 《九州娱乐官网》艾米丽在她哥哥的葬礼上患感冒去世了.


《九州娱乐官网》, Poem by Emily Jane Bronte, Remembrance, No Coward Soul is Mine, 够了思想,哲学家,同情,死亡场景

1816年4月21日- 1855年3月31日

最有名的是 《九州娱乐官网》, 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 revolutionized 英语 literature during the nineteenth century through the depiction of Jane, her shockingly independent female protagonist. 就像 Jane, Charlotte faced the brunt of society as a female intellectual 和 struggled 在男性主导的文学领域取得成功.

A voracious reader, she looked to Sir Walter Scott, 威廉。华兹华斯, 和 Lord George 戈登·拜伦的灵感. 霍沃斯荒原的自然环境也是如此 对她的写作起到了不可估量的作用. 当她还是个小女孩的时候,她和 her brother Branwell 和 sisters- Emily 和 Anne of literary fame—和 developed a 对霍沃斯黑暗之美的深刻欣赏. 孩子们在很小的时候就创造了 the imaginary kingdoms of Angria 和 Gondal 和 chronicled their musings in thumb 大小的书.

In 1846, Charlotte published a joint collection of her poems with Emily 和 Anne under 她的笔名是柯勒·贝尔. 虽然这本书只卖了两本,但还是收到了好评 好评,并将目光投向了未来的出版. 1847年,她发表了 到1854年去世时,她两者都看到了 雪莉 和 维莱特 在打印.



1772年10月21日- 1834年7月25日

Along with Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge receives credit as the founder of the Romantic Movement in 英语 literature with the publication of 抒情诗集 in 1798. Their masterpiece opens with Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” an acclaimed 描写水手所经历的超自然事件的抒情诗.

Although several of Coleridge’s chef d’ouevres- including “Christabel” 和 “Kubla Khan”- feature supernatural elements, his work roots itself in the romantic tradition 以独特的视角观察自然世界.

In addition to his success as a poet, he held many jobs throughout his life. 他工作 for the 英语 government in Malta; published as a journalist in London; 和 wrote plays, philosophy, literary criticism, political analysis, theology, 和 translations.

Despite his talent, he struggled with neuralgic 和 rheumatic pains, which led to 他吸食鸦片. 在他使用这种极易上瘾的药物期间,他过着喧闹的生活 生活堪比现代摇滚明星. 他最终在家里找到了安慰 of Wordsworth at Allan Bank in Grasmere 和 later in the household of Dr. 詹姆斯·吉尔曼 in London, where Coleridge reveled in his legendary reputation among the younger Romantics.

In 1824, the Royal Society of 英语 Literature elected him as a fellow. 十年 后来,他在海格特去世


关于 the Nightingale, Christabel, Dejection: An Ode, Kubla Khan, Love, The Rime of 古代水手,无墓墓志铭

1770年4月7日- 1850年4月23日

The life of 威廉。华兹华斯 epitomizes the tremendous impact the natural world 能发挥作家的想象力吗. 华兹华斯出生在湖区,成长起来 a deep admiration of the magnificent l和scape of his home 和 formed a lifelong connection 对自然. During his studies at Cambridge from 1787 to 1791, he escaped the hustle 和 bustle of city life frequently 和 returned to the countryside that stimulated 他的创造力.

At 21, he departed for a walking tour of revolutionary France 和 traveled throughout Switzerl和- a life-altering event surfacing in his autobiographical poem, 的前奏. Soon after this venture, he stayed at a cottage in Dorset, where he met literary 传奇人物塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治和罗伯特·索塞. 三年后,华兹华斯 柯勒律治出版了 抒情诗集, the masterpiece marking the beginning of the Romantic Movement in 英语 literature.

In addition to his close relationship with Coleridge, he spent a great deal of time with his sister Dorothy 和 moved with her into Dove Cottage in Grasmere in 1799. The brother 和 sister took daily walks, reveling in the wonders of the natural world. These walks sparked the writing of several poems, including his enigmatic “Lucy” poems.

Wordsworth settled with Dorothy, his wife Mary, 和 children at Rydall Mount in 1813. By this time, he had achieved renown as one of Engl和’s finest poets 和 succeeded 罗伯特·索塞在1843年成为桂冠诗人. 年,他八十岁时去世 他在乡间散步.


Lines written in Early Spring, We are Seven, Expostulation 和 Reply, The Tables Turned, Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey, Home at Grasmere, Ode (There was a 时间),我像一朵云一样孤独地徘徊,前奏