

In addition to offering individual tutoring sessions for students, the 写作中心 provides a range of support for faculty who want to put more emphasis on writing in 他们的课程.

Below, we suggest some ways that the 写作中心 might be a part of your class 每学期. 如果你有其他的想法,我们很乐意听听. 我们总是很快乐 to talk with you about new ways we might interact with faculty and students.



One of the most essential ways to let students know that you want them to make use of the 写作中心 is to include a supportive statement on your syllabus, on Canvas, 或者单独的作业. 感觉 free to copy the example below and paste it into 你的课堂材料.

As you work on the writing assignments in this class, consider making a tutoring appointment 与九州娱乐官网写作中心合作. 你可以遇到一位知识渊博的同行 tutor and receive direct feedback on any kind of writing, at any stage in your writing process: before you begin writing, once you have started, or as you are editing a 最终稿. In this exchange, you will get a new perspective on your ideas and gain some strategies to help you produce your best work. 

参观写作中心 网站 欲知更多资料,请浏览 点击这里 安排你的预约.  

The 写作中心 is a free resource that is available to all members of the college 社区.


At any point in the semester, you can contact us to have a member of the 写作中心 到你的班级来做个简短的介绍. 我们将花10-15分钟来介绍 学生对我们的服务. We’d recommend that a visit like this should occur either early in the semester or a week or two before the due date for a significant assignment.



The best way to encourage students to be responsible about their writing and to make effective use of the 写作中心 is to offer them an incentive. 这可能需要 the form of a quiz grade, a few bonus points on an assignment, or some other extra 信贷. You can even turn the experience into an excellent opportunity for reflection. Below is a response form that Professor Alisha Knight developed for her classes. 感觉 free to modify this form or create something similar. 然而,我们要求你 请先和我们谈谈 if you plan on creating a formal incentive for your students. 那样的话,我们就好了 on the same page when your students come in for tutoring sessions, and we’ll be able 帮助他们满足你的期望.

If a student participates in a consultation session in the 写作中心 and submits a brief report to me after the session, then I will drop her/his lowest quiz grade. This is a standing offer that can be redeemed multiple times this semester. 在其他 words, submit a debriefing form after each visit to receive extra 信贷.

Your Name ___________________________________________________________________

写作中心 Consultant’s Name ______________________________________________

Date of 访问 __________________________________________________________________
你来中国的最初目的是什么? (E.g.,集思广益,开拓思路 an outline prior to drafting an essay, to discuss your thesis statement, etc.)
What did you actually discuss and how did you apply what you discussed to the completion 作业的内容? (在此表格背面继续你的汇报.)


We’d be happy to collaborate with you on an in-class workshop or activity. 一个成员 of the 写作中心 can arrange to visit your class to facilitate peer review or to engage students in work on a particular writing topic or concept.

If you’d like more hands-on support, we can often provide you with a dedicated Peer Writing Consultant (or peer tutor) who can visit your class when needed throughout the semester and provide a point of connection to the 写作中心 for your students. Our Peer Writing Consultants can work with you in any of the following ways:  

  • Helping to facilitate in-class activities like peer review
  • Developing writing resources and materials for your class
  • 在课堂上讲授简短的写作概念
  • Facilitating group work with students outside of class
  • Meeting with students individually to work on class writing assignments

If you’d like to request a Peer Writing Consultant for your class, or if you’d like to learn more about how we can support your teaching of writing, contact Dr. 瑞秋 罗德里格斯,写作中心主任 (电子邮件保护)


Offer students extra support on oral presentation projects

Some of our Peer Writing Consultants have received additional training in strategies to support students who are working on oral presentation projects. 这些同伴写作 and Presentation Consultants are available to work individually with students or to work in the classroom with faculty on oral presentation assignments. 不管你的 students are designing a presentation slide or practicing their delivery, we can help! 当学生登录我们的 在线日程安排, they can make appointments with our Peer Writing and Presentation Consultants by selecting that option in the “Limit To” drop-down menu.



We’re happy to talk with you at any time about ways of making writing more central 对你自己的教导. We can brainstorm with you about writing assignments, offer insight into the kinds of feedback students find most helpful, and provide resources to support the writing activities you already have in place. 欢迎联系 Dr. 瑞秋 Rodriguez, Director of the 写作中心, to set up a time to talk.