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Student Research

CMS students produce original, interventional research that focuses on real-world problem solving.

 Select CMS Senior Capstone Research

SCE research produced by Hannah Sauer

Talk Plurality to Me: A Feminist Film Analysis of The Strong Female Lead In Synchronized Sound and Contemporary Warner Bros. Action Films - Hannah Sauer, CMS Class of 2020, SCE Research

SCE research produced by Jenna Follin

Dream or Scheme: The Operations, Internal Communications and Appeal of the American Dream in Multi-Level Marketing Companies - Jenna Follin, CMS Class of 2020 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Jilly Horaneck

The Time Is Now: How Legislative Strategies Were Used by The National Organization For Women During Second Wave Feminism - Jilly Horaneck, CMS Class of 2020 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Casey Wolhar

Guerrilla Warfare: Representing the Other in Contemporary Art Museums - Casey Wolhar, CMS Class of 2020 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Cody Miller

Play to Win, But at What Cost? Video Games and Microtransactions - Cody Miller, CMS Class of 2021 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Trish Rana

Beauty in the Philippines: An Analysis on the Skin Whitening Industry - Trish Rana, CMS Class of 2021 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Jacklyn Russo

The Relationship Between False Expert Status and Negative Body Image on Tik Tok - Jacklyn Russo, CMS Class of 2021 SCE Research

SCE research produced by Bella Procopio

Grrrls to the Front: Riot Grrrl in Postfeminism, Sexual Reclamation, and Objectification - Bella Procopio, CMS Class of 2021 SCE Research


Published CMS Student Research & Creative Work

Dream or Scheme: The Operations, Internal Communications, and Appeal of the American Dream in Multi-Level Marketing Companies

by Jenn Follin 

We’re Here and We’re Queer: An Ethnographic Study of the Queer Community at Washington 大学

by Emily Kreider

Guerilla Warfare: Representing the Other in Contemporary Art Museums

by Casey Wolhar

The Unequal Treatment of Media and Communication Technologies

by Trish Rana

Theoretical Analysis: Marxist Exploitation Theory

by Emily Kreider

The Meaning of Art is Lost: A Manifesto

by Rachel Frebert

Featured Artist: Rachel Frebert Featured Artist: Casey Wolhar 

“a wish from west Baltimore” 

作者:以赛亚J. Reese (Brother Yaw)

“Hood Poetry”

作者:以赛亚J. Reese (Brother Yaw)

“Getting Over It” 

by Justin Nash

“Red High Tops” 

by Bella Wilson

“Glossary of Terms” 

by Justin Nash

Projection 57 

by Justin Nash 

Select Videographic Work 

Color Theory on Screen by Natalie Mansfield '21 for CMS 201 World Cinema I